The idea for Write Away Magazine came about in the Autumn of 2018, when I decided that there was not much out there to help promote up and coming artists who write their own original songs, and perhaps I could help them in some small way.
I write lyrics as therapy for myself as I have PTSD, and I find writing helps me to focus my thoughts better and to release some of the emotions and frustrations that I feel building inside of me.
I’m not at all musical myself, in that I don’t sing or play any instruments, but for the last three years I have been learning how to write song lyrics, guided by more experienced songwriters advice given to me on posts from various Face Book song writing sites.
For someone like me, the only way forwards with my lyric writing is to heed the advice given freely on posts, and try to determine which are helpful and which are not. So I felt that since there are many music and song magazines online as well as websites and pages, but there are precious few that I know of that concentrate purely on the lyrics of a song, how they were formed, what inspired them etc.
Though there is a lot of disjointed information on lyric writing to be found over the internet, I felt it might be a nice idea to try to find some knowledgeable people to write regular articles on the lyric writing process to help other song writers who find lyric writing challenging, and also to include some talented lesser known songwriters who have successfully released their own music, in order for them to get some recognition and promotion of themselves, by talking about their own lyric writing experience and showcasing a lyric and links to their respective websites/works to help them along their way.
I use a package called QuarkXpress to design the magazine, which I’m learning to use as I go along. I’m also learning to use Photoshop, and other design packages, all self taught. I hope to be able to continue writing an issue monthly, but in order to do so I need people to send me articles for inclusion. My email address is jane@writeawaymagazine.co.uk for anyone interested in forwarding articles to me. I also have a regular writer who answers questions people may have on lyric writing, which can be emailed to me, and an extremely talented vocal coach Paul Sykes who writes every month on techniques to improve your singing abilities. I’m always open to suggestions for future articles, and open to advertisements at very affordable rates for those wishing to promote their musical services further afield. I have a current readership of over 7000 a month, which I’m amazed at since the magazine is still quite new, and subscriptions are free from my website to receive an email of the online magazine when it’s released on the 4th of each month. www.writeawaymagazine.co.uk