Read moreNew date for next showcase – time to be safe
We decided to move the next Music for The Head and Heart showcase from April 4th to October 10th and tickets from April are still vaild for Oct. Tickets are available here I’m always loathed to change events and festivals,
Read moreDoes the public still want live music?
I’m increasingly hearing that there is a decline in people going out to see live acts, especially at a local level. Yes, there is still a demand for major acts and people will queue for hours to see some artists,
Read moreThe Story so far…
Music for The Head and Heart now has a substantial number of artist videos/interviews online. Special thanks to all those who have contributed to date, we appreciate it. Its been fascinating to hear the artist stories and some really excellent
Read moreEmily Mercer
Emily Mercer Interview Emily Mercer: Oh baby when you touch me, for the first time, I thought that was it. I thought that I would never find another way to live. But how wrong I’ve been not to see the
Read moreHow the MHH platform works
I set up Music for The Head and Heart as a platform as a collective voice for artists and performers who have a love of music. The purpose of Music for The Head and Heart brings together lovers of music
Read morePete Howlett Ukulele Builder from Wales
It’s often said that fact is stranger than fiction. With this in mind what exactly are the chances of a bagpipe playing German ukulele builder, and a ukulele artisan of 23 year’s standing, working together at the foot of the
Read moreTakahiro Shimo from Japan
It was a privilege to meet up with Shimo for a delightful hour or so over coffee in Tokyo this July, (fortunately the day before a typhoon hit the city,) and he was kind enough to agree to this interview.
Read moreBill Collings from Austin Interview
“You’ve got to care, you’ve got to say I’m going to make a ukulele that makes the difference, and I’m not going to make one that’s going to be the 35 dollar uke!” Bill Collings The very first ukulele
Read moreJake Shimabakuro interviewed by Nick Cody
Jake Shimabukuro interviewed by Nick Cody I was very fortunate to meet Jake Shimabukuro for the first time at Leeds Town Hall, on his first ever UK tour. Prior to this meet, kindly organised by his manager Van Fletcher I
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